The 2016 Adopted Sedgwick County Budget includes an operating budget of $394,143,119 and the 2016 Capital Improvement Program of $63,290,571. The total operating budget is partially funded with a property tax levy of $129,580,173, which is approximately equivalent to 29.359 mills based on the estimated assessed valuation, subject to review and technical adjustments. The budget passed with a 3-2 vote, with Commissioners Richard Ranzau, Karl Peterjohn, and Jim Howell in favor and Commissioners David Unruh and Tim Norton opposed.

Changes from the 2016 Recommended Budget include the following:

  • Additional 2.00 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) Elections positions at $114,626
  • Earmark $150,000 in the commission contingency for Sedgwick County Zoo
  • Additional $175,000 to Health Department for Project Access
  • Additional $40,000 to Exploration Place
  • Eliminate $50,000 Sustainability Contingency and reallocate to Economic Development.
  • Additional $10,000 to Economic Development
  • Additional $25,000 to Wichita Area Technical College (WATC)
  • Additional $91,099 to Health Department for Health Navigator program and restore 1.00 FTE

All additions are funded through shifts from contingency reserves.

The 2016 Adopted Fire District Budget includes an operating budget of $18,155,963. The Fire District operating budget is partially funded with a property tax levy of $15,246,367, which is approximately equivalent to 18.367 mills based on the estimated assessed valuation, subject to review and technical adjustments. The budget passed with a 5-0 vote.

Combined, the two operating budgets total $412,299,082.