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For Immediate Release
January 24, 2021
Kate Flavin


Archived: Appointments for Aged 83 and Older Being Rescheduled


(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – For safety, due to predicted rain and wind, the Sedgwick County Health Department will not vaccinate people aged 83 and older on Monday, January 25. Residents in this category with Monday appointments will be contacted to reschedule their appointment for Tuesday, January 26, or a later date.

The Health Department still plans to vaccinate health care associated workers with appointments on Monday.

As a reminder, the County will not schedule more appointments than available.

The COVID-19 vaccine is one tool in our community toolbox that can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to follow the three W’s: wash your hands, wear a mask, and watch your distance by keeping six feet of space between you and others.
