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For Immediate Release
September 14, 2021
Nicole Gibbs


Archived: Become a Volunteer Ambassador to Build COVID-19 Knowledge in your Community


(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – The Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) is organizing a COVID-19 Ambassador Program to build COVID-19 vaccine and testing confidence and knowledge and combat misinformation in our community. The Ambassador Program is made up of community volunteers with a passion to ensure residents are informed and vaccinated. In addition, the program promotes the importance of COVID-19 testing. 

 “The Ambassador Program is based off of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Community Corps Program,” said Adrienne Byrne, director of SCHD. “We are thrilled to launch this program and to build a group of individuals who can help us further build trust in our community.”

 Ambassador volunteers gain relevant training on COVID-19, volunteer hours, public speaking experience, and collaboration with others who are part of the program. To learn more, email; call 316-660-1022 and leave a message for the Ambassador Coordinator; or find information on the Sedgwick County website,