(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – Sedgwick County Commissioners today approved a new policy to bring more structure, public awareness, inclusion and transparency to at-large board appointments.

“This is a long-overdue change for Sedgwick County,” Chairman David Dennis said. “The intent of the policy is to help Commissioners make a more informed decision when considering at-large board positions.”

The policy provides more formality for at-large board appointments and clarifies how they are promoted, applied for, reviewed, and considered by the Board of County Commissioners. The policy aims to raise community awareness, encourage engagement, promote diversity, and ensure transparency for the appointment process. Commissioner Lacey Cruse requested the policy earlier this year. She wanted a greater number of applicants and for those appointed to reflect the demographics of the county.

“The boards that make up our community should actually reflect the people who live here,” Commissioner Lacey Cruse said. “By developing a formal policy and procedure, a transparent process for filling these positions, we are creating opportunities for everyone to navigate a system that is clear and easy to understand. I firmly believe we will see an increase in the pool of qualified candidates who are willing and capable of serving on these boards.”

The County has 30 boards and 66 at-large board appointments. Board appointees serve in an advisory role for Commissioners and other County officials.

A new policy has been under consideration since a BOCC meeting on September 4, 2019, when there was discussion about considering a resolution to establish a process for at-large board appointments. At-large appoints are recommended by the full BOCC, as opposed to other board appointments that are recommended by a single Commissioner. The policy was first reviewed by Commissioners at their September 18, 2019 meeting and it was deferred.

Policy considerations for at-large appointments include: (a) that appointments should be residents of Sedgwick County, or own a business within Sedgwick County; (b) that the County would strive to have appointments reflect the diversity of the community for characteristics, including, but not limited to gender, geography, race, and age; (c) a general policy that appointments would not be for more than two (2) full consecutive terms—with all such considerations applying to the extent that they would not conflict with state law, County resolution, or inter-local agreement that may govern the composition of the board.

The policy also requires the County to promote and track at-large board appointments at www.sedgwickcounty.org. That information will be implemented soon and more information about the at-large board appointment process will be forthcoming.
