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For Immediate Release
October 28, 2020
Kate Flavin


Archived: Commission Approves $295,000 Settlement


(Sedgwick County, KS) – At its meeting today, the Board of County Commissioners approved a settlement of $295,000 with Joel Brabec following a motor vehicle accident that occurred between Mr. Brabec and a Sedgwick County Public Works employee on August 21, 2018.

The employee was backing along the shoulder and he accidentally struck a light pole at a very slow speed (approximately 5 mph or less). The accident occurred near I-235 (southbound) and Zoo Boulevard. The pole snapped off its concrete base, and fell into the lanes of traffic on I-235 (southbound), striking the roof of the vehicle Brabec was driving.

Sedgwick County respects the legal process and has agreed to settle the claim once the damages sustained by the Plaintiff were ascertainable.

