Sedgwick County Division of Finance received notice this week that a claim filed with their property insurance carrier, Lexington Insurance Company, has been accepted. The County can expect to receive a payment to its General Fund in the amount of $393,914.17 for the loss of funds from a fraudulent activity that occurred September 2016.
“I’m thrilled that we were able to recover this money from that event,” said Commission Chairman David Dennis. “Our Finance staff worked tirelessly along with their insurance broker, Truss, LLC, to come to this resolution.”
On October 25, 2016 the County reported that it was a victim of fraudulent activity in the amount of $566,088.00 which triggered an investigation by the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. An individual was charged in Federal court in 2017 for this crime. The County has recovered $72,173.83 from the incident to date.