In 2014, 11,011 chlamydia and 2,529 gonorrhea infections were reported in Kansas, with young people between 15 and 24 years of age making up 65 percent of all gonorrhea and chlamydia reports. In Sedgwick County 2,696 positive chlamydia and 1,027 gonorrhea infections were reported in 2014.
The high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in young people and the general population suggests that many Americans are at risk of exposure to these illnesses, underscoring the need for prevention. Despite this news, there are effective ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat STDs. STD screening and early diagnoses are essential in preventing transmission and long term health consequences.
April is STD Awareness Month and to help people protect their health, the Sedgwick County Health Department will offer FREE testing on Wednesday, April 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Main Clinic, located at 2716 West Central in Wichita. Free testing on this day only will include HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia testing. Please call in advance to schedule your appointment at 316-660-7300.
For more information about STDs and screenings, go to