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For Immediate Release
December 22, 2015
Jill Tinsley
Kristi Zukovich

Archived: Legislative Dinner and Public Forum


The South Central Legislative Delegation will hold its annual legislative public forum on Wednesday, January 6 at the Sedgwick County Courthouse, 525 N. Main, Wichita. The forum will begin at 7 p.m. in the Jury Room (first floor) and is an opportunity for members of the public to express their ideas, concerns and requests to legislators from the area. The public should enter the Courthouse from the front (Main Street) entrance.

Tips for speakers:

  • Citizens are encouraged to attend and hear the concerns of others in their community
  • Time is limited and the Chairman may need to limit the number of people recognized to speak
  • Speakers should arrive early to fill out a request
  • Speakers will need to provide their name, contact information, a short summary of their talking points, and their House or Senate district number (someone will be on hand to assist with this).
  • Testimonials will be limited to three minutes each
  • Speakers may provide handouts to legislators (50 copies of their written testimony and handouts is recommended)
  • Speakers may also provide handouts to attendees SEDGWICK COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS 525 N. MAIN SUITE 315 WICHITA, KANSAS 67203-3703

Sedgwick County Commissioners will attend a dinner with the legislative delegation before the forum at 6 p.m. This dinner will be held in the Sedgwick County Commission meeting room, 525 N. Main, 3 rd floor.