(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – Based on questions seeking clarity on youth sports activities, Sedgwick County’s Local Health Officer Dr. Garold Minns added provisions to this latest local health order.
Youth organized sports are not considered mass gatherings but attendance and related activities should be limited.
- For indoor single-court or single-playing area rooms and outdoor facilities there can be a maximum of two attendees per participant. All persons must exit the area once the event is over.
- For indoor multi-court or multi-playing area rooms, participants are allowed a maximum of one attendee. Additionally, these facilities must limit the total courts or playing space to one-half or less of the courts or playing areas, for instance, where feasible utilizing every other court. Again, all persons must exit the area once the event is over.
Another notable clarification is that individuals who are actively speaking to an audience at a religious institution, wedding, funeral, or an open public meeting, do not have to wear a mask so long as there is at least six feet of social distancing or separation by a physical barrier. Masks are still encouraged however.
Language has also been added to clarify the parameters for bona fide public protest activities that are exempted from mass gatherings provisions. Public protests would be exempt from the mass gatherings provisions if they would occur outdoors on property owned by a governmental entity or else dedicated for public purposes (e.g., sidewalks).
Finally, large entertainment venues (capacity of more than 2,000 people) may not host events in excess of the mass gathering limits unless the Local Health Officer, Dr. Garold Minns, approves a written plan from the venue. Written plans must be submitted to Minns with proper advance notice for him to review.
This order will be in effect from 12:01 a.m., Thursday, December 10, 2020, to 11:59 p.m., Saturday, January 9, 2021.
As a reminder, our community toolbox consists of mask wearing, social distancing, and good hand hygiene, as the best ways for the community to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect one another. Please, stay home for the holidays.