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For Immediate Release
June 5, 2020
Kate Flavin


Archived: Minns Recommends Remaining in Phase 2


(Sedgwick County, KS)  – Today, Sedgwick County’s Local Health Officer Dr. Garold Minns provided his recommendation that Sedgwick County residents continue to follow Phase 2 guidelines of the state’s Ad Astra recovery plan, modified to a gathering limit of 20 through Friday, July 3 (or for two 14-day incubation periods).

This in essence, keeps Sedgwick County’s recommendation for guidelines and gathering limits as status quo during this time period. Public gatherings are defined as persons commonly known to one another. Minns made this recommendation due to increased community activity and interaction over the Memorial Day weekend and the following two weeks.  

“After watching the trends and community activity, I believe that it is too soon for our community to move into Phase 3,” said Dr. Minns. “It is important for everyone to continue practicing healthy habits like washing their hands often, practicing social distancing, and wearing a mask if they are able.”

Since Memorial Day weekend, the community has experienced a slight increase in the percentage of daily positive cases rather than a decline as is suggested to transition from one phase to the next.

“We must continue to be diligent and follow healthy behaviors and work together to safely reopen,” said Commission Chairman Pete Meitzner. “We will get through this and we will come out stronger.”



About Sedgwick County

The mission of Sedgwick County is to cultivate a healthy, safe, and welcoming community through exceptional public services, effective partnerships, and dedicated employees. Named for Civil War hero, Major General John Sedgwick of the Union Army, Sedgwick County celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2020. The 2020 Adopted Budget of $457.4 million focuses resources on health and human services, public safety, and general government services.