(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – The Local Health Officer, Dr. Garold Minns today signed a revised Emergency Public Health Order which will replace yesterday’s order.

In the new order, it clarifies that religious institutions are exempted from the 45 person gathering limit but they are encouraged to maintain social distancing as much is feasible.

Additional language clarifying athletes and individuals participating in strenuous exercising are exempt from the mask order as long as the activity allows them to social distance from others.

This order will still take effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday morning, July 10, 2020 and to be in place until at least midnight Sunday night, August 9, 2020.

There are some exceptions to this rule as not everyone is able to safely wear a mask. Exceptions to the order are included in the document.

The order also calls for Phase 3 of the Ad Astra Plan to be adopted and incorporated into this order along with limiting mass gathering of more than 45 individuals in one location where social distancing is not available.
