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For Immediate Release
March 15, 2018
Kate Flavin


Archived: New notification system for protecting real estate investments


The Sedgwick County Register of Deeds is proud to announce Property Activity Alert, a new service free of charge for property owners in Sedgwick County.  Protecting citizens’ real estate records is the top priority for the Register of Deeds.  This Alert will not prevent all fraud from occurring, but it can provide an early warning system that activity has occurred with your real estate in Sedgwick County. 

As a subscriber, you will be alerted if a deed or a mortgage is recorded in your name with the Sedgwick County Register of Deeds office, and you will receive notification by email from our office containing a link to our online document search within 24 hours of the document being recorded. 

To subscribe please click on the following link:

You will be able to view, download and print the document from your home at  Once you have been notified, it will be up to you to take the necessary corrective measures should fraud occur. 

Sedgwick County also reminds residents that if you suspect deception, unconscionable conduct, or certain instances of fraud the Consumer Protection Division of the District Attorney’s Office can advocate on your behalf. You can file a complaint at or call 316-660-3669.