This morning, Sedgwick County Fire District 1 deployed to assist Reno County as they combat grass and prairie fires, some of which are still burning from the weekend.
- One tender truck capable of hauling 2,500 gallons of water to fire sites was sent with two on-duty personnel.
- One brush truck to assist combatting grass fires was sent with two on-duty personnel.
- Sedgwick County Fire Reserve sent a squad truck, a pickup truck, and four reserve personnel.
Since Governor Sam Brownback recently declared Reno County in a state of disaster, Sedgwick County has deployed additional personnel to support the efforts to combat the fires.
- One dispatcher from Emergency Communications
- Two Emergency Management staff members
A majority of Sedgwick County is in a Red Flag Warning which means that residents should avoid burning anything outdoors today as strong winds will help fires rapidly spread.
Through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), Sedgwick County may respond to emergency situations in other jurisdictions. This compact outlines guidelines for mutual aid and reimbursement.