(Sedgwick County, Kan.) – Sedgwick County Fire District 1 is reminding residents that a burn ban imposed by the State of Kansas will be in effect for Sedgwick County during the month of April. New open burn permits will not be issued during the month of April, and no current permit holders will be allowed to conduct open burns after March 31, 2025. Open burns can resume after May 1, 2025, weather permitting.

The ban includes all open burning of any waste, including vegetation and wood waste, structures or other material on any premises. The following counties will be affected along with Sedgwick County: Butler, Chase, Chautauqua, Cowley, Elk, Geary, Greenwood, Johnson, Lyon, Marion, Morris, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee and Wyandotte.

Exceptions to the open burn ban include pasture, crop, range and wildlife or watershed management. The allowed burning operations will require a valid permit from Sedgwick County Fire District 1. Burn permits may be requested online at www.sedgwickcounty.org/fire or by calling 316-660-3473.The Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) open burning regulations (K.A.R. 28-19-645 through K.A.R. 28-19-648) apply.

The April burn ban does not restrict the use of barbecue grills, smokers or backyard fire pits in Sedgwick County; yet municipalities within the county might have stricter burn regulations so residents are encouraged to check with the towns where they live.

For more information, visit April Burn Ban | Sedgwick County, Kansas or contact the office of Sedgwick County Fire Marshal at 316-660-3473.
