Due to recent weather, the Sedgwick County Public Works will host a temporary free tree limb disposal drop off event. Tree debris can be taken to the Sedgwick County West Yard, 4701 S. West St. The West Yard will accept tree debris from the storm from Monday, Oct. 10 through Friday, Oct. 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This service is available to all residents of Sedgwick County and businesses that are not in commercial tree service. This is only for tree debris and not fences or other similar items. For more information about this service please contact Environmental Resources at 660-7200.

This service will be available to residents on Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 10 even though Sedgwick County offices will be closed to the public in observance of the holiday. Emergency Services will be available by dialing 9-1-1.