As fall and winter months approach, so do colder temperatures, coughing, sneezing and the spread of seasonal influenza. Safeguard yourself against this potentially dangerous viral infection with these simple steps:
- Wash your hands – this is the best way to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others. Use hand sanitizer if soap and running water are not available.
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.
- Get a flu shot.
- Stay home if you become ill.
Beginning October 1, the Sedgwick County Health Department will provide:
- Free flu shots to uninsured adults age 19 and older
- Flu shots to uninsured children age 18 and younger, and children with state-sponsored insurance plans such as Medicaid, Amerigroup, UnitedHealthcare or Sunflower. Residents who qualify may visit the health department’s clinic at 2716 W. Central in Wichita.
If you do not qualify for a free flu shot, please visit your primary care physician or neighborhood pharmacy to receive one. Flu shots are recommended for anyone older than 6 months, unless otherwise directed by a physician. It is important to get a flu shot every year, as the most prevalent flu strain(s) is usually different from year to year. Flu shots protect the person receiving it, as well as others who are not able to receive this type of vaccination.