Ryan Gulker, deputy zoo director of the Sedgwick County Zoo, briefed the Board of County Commissioners this week that half way through the 2016 fiscal year the Zoo is performing very well. Both attendance and revenue are on pace to set records in both areas.

Attendance is up 18 percent this year over 2015, a 31 percent increase over 2014, and a 42 percent increase over 2013. The state’s number one tourist attraction is continuing its track record of providing the citizens of Sedgwick County and Kansas with a quality experience.

Estimates show that the Sedgwick County Zoo will take in more than $8.6 million in revenue, that’s in addition to the more than $5.6 million it receives from Sedgwick County taxpayers. That is a total of $14.2 million, which is a 12.7 percent increase over last year. With the opening of the elephant exhibit this year, similar to past years when a new exhibit has opened, attendance and revenues increase significantly during the year the exhibit opens.

Thanks to the community support the zoo is thriving. Please visit the new Elephants of the Zambezi River Valley exhibit that provides patrons with an experience of walking through the elephants’ native land. It is an innovative experience unlike any other across the country.