Adult Intensive Supervision Program (AISP)

905 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67203-3684

The Adult Intensive Supervision Program (AISP) is the most widely used program in the Department of Corrections. This non-institutional measure allows clients sentenced by the court to live at home under rigorous intensive supervision. Frequent urinalysis tests to detect drug use and frequent contacts with employers, treatment providers and the offender are characteristic of intensive supervision. The degree of supervision is based upon identified needs and individual progress.

Electronic monitoring is used a more restrictive method of supervision. It is used to track the client’s movements via a GPS (Global Positioning System) ankle monitor.  The ankle monitor can be used in the following manners: track movement, enforce a curfew, confine them to their residence, monitor alcohol use, or to keep them from entering or leaving specific areas. Possible reasons for electronic monitoring placements could be lack of compliance with program rules or court orders, need for restricted mobility, suspicion of ongoing criminal activity or any special concern for public safety or the safety of the offender.

Strategic Plan

905 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67203-5809

Senate Bill 14 - Risk Reduction Initiative

The Kansas Division of Corrections (KDOC) awarded funding to Sedgwick County under the Senate Bill 14 Risk Reduction Initiative (RRI). SB14 provides new funding of $4.4 million by the Kansas Legislature to support local agencies in increasing public safety, reducing the risk of probationers on Community Corrections Supervision, and increasing the percentage of probationers successfully completing Community Corrections Supervision. Sedgwick County’s rate of condition revocation is significantly higher than the statewide average and as such has received substantial funding to implement evidence-based services. The RRI targets two client groups that are a high to moderate risk to reoffend and/or fail to succeed on probation and enter prison. Specialized and proven interventions are planned to include reduced officer caseloads, enhanced case planning and management, competency development, cognitive behavioral skills training, reentry management and risk reduction techniques. Funds are provided to increase access to assessments and treatment and to facilitate client transitions. Collaboration and partnerships to enhance service delivery, track performance and ensure accountability have been identified to help facilitate service integration into the local system. Wichita State University will provide ongoing assessment and evaluation of results for use in making course corrections in the plan.

Strategic Plan

Client Videos

Client Orientation Video

Client PREA Video