Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center (JIAC)
700 S. Hydraulic, Wichita, KS 67211
Fax: 316-660-3111
Receives referrals from law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney's staff. In addition, the Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center provides referrals to families that call in for assistance. The strategy is to intervene early and prevent youth from getting more deeply involved in the juvenile justice system. The average length of stay for youth is approximately two hours. Youth/families identified as having one or more risk factors for recidivating typically receive referral recommendations by staff (excludes youth already receiving services). JIAC staff follow up with the families to help them schedule their initial appointments.
P.O.W.E.R. Program (Providing Opportunities While Ending Recidivism)
700 S. Hydraulic, Wichita, KS 67211
The P.O.W.E.R. (Providing Opportunities While Ending Recidivism) Program is a voluntary, free 12-hour seminar attended by Sedgwick County youth and their parent or other connected adult. Its focus is improving family relations, enhancing youth strengths, building healthy relationships and highlighting valuable services in the community.
The seminar consists of 5 to 8 interactive sessions administered by the Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center (JIAC). The program recruits a number of community organizations and individuals who have a passion for working with and strengthening families. As facilitators they offer interactive lessons that educate and teach participants about adolescent development, building relationships, decision making, boundaries, accountability, communication and conflict resolution while developing community connections.
Whether already justice involved, or you know of a youth that is heading down the wrong path, families can contact the POWER Program to schedule a voluntary assessment at JIAC for their youth. Once the assessment is completed, qualifying youth will be offered a referral to the POWER Program. The program runs from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on two Tuesdays and two Thursdays every month. Dinner is provided at each session, and a certificate is awarded upon completion.
Immediate Intervention Program (IIP)
700 S. Hydraulic, Wichita, KS 67211
A voluntary supervision program offered to youth after an alleged qualifying offense has occurred. Youth who meet established criteria are referred to the program by the District Attorney's Office prior to formal prosecution. If the juvenile satisfactorily complies with the IIP plan established for them, the matter will be closed without further prosecution.
Juvenile Detention Facility (JDF)
700 S. Hydraulic, Wichita, KS 67211
A 24-hour detention facility for male and female youth between the ages of 10 and 17 years of age who are awaiting court hearings, direct commitment to a juvenile correctional facility, other suitable placement or serving a court ordered sanction. The bed capacity of the facility is 108 and the basic services provided include secure confinement, medical care, education, life skills classes, recreation, and mental health services. The average daily population at JDF in 2023 was 38 and has approximately 470 admission per year with an average length of stay about 35 days.
Juvenile Residential Facility (JRF)
881 S. Minnesota, Wichita, KS 67211
Fax: 316-383-8276
A non-secure 16-bed licensed facility located adjacent to the Juvenile Detention Facility. JRF was opened in 1994 to relieve crowding at the Juvenile Detention Facility. The program serves male and female youth between the ages of 10 and 18 who require detention services but do not require secure confinement. A supervised temporary residential living situation is provided for youth that is less restrictive than a detention facility and promotes positive ties with the youth's family, school and community.
Juvenile Field Services
538 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67203
Fax: 316-941-5186
Provides several supervision programs and services which emphasize public safety, preventing future offenses through the use of evidence-based correctional practices and services, education, employment, and enhancing positive family impact on the offender's behavior. Offenders are supervised on level systems based on their level of risk to reoffend as determined by evidence-based correctional risk assessments. Contacts with employers, educators, treatment providers, caregivers and the offender are characteristic of these programs. In some cases, electronic monitoring is court ordered or used as a graduated response for minor violations of the conditions of supervision. This restricts the offender's mobility to the home or only approved locations. If the offender violates the rules, staff is quickly notified and can take action.
Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program (JISP)
JISP is an intensive community-based program providing services and supervision to clients for a period set by the court. Youth are supervised based on the conditions ordered by the Judge and referrals are made to service providers in the community.
Juvenile Case Management (JCM) / Juvenile Conditional Release (CR)
This program provides supervision and case management for youth in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections - Juvenile Services (KDOC-JS). These youth are sentenced to the Juvenile Correctional Facility (JCF) for a term ordered by the court. Once they serve their sentence they are either directly released or placed on Conditional Release (CR) for post release supervision.
Home-Based Services (HBS)
An alternative to secure detention for selected youth who are deemed releasable to their parents' home under supervision of program staff. This program allows the youth to remain in their home environment while awaiting a court hearing. The purpose of HBS is to maintain safety of the youth, family and community, while providing supervision of the youth in the lease restrictive environment possible.
Evening Reporting Center (ERC)
881 S. Minnesota, Wichita, KS 67211
Fax: 316-383-8276
The program targets Sedgwick County youth scoring moderate to high risk as determined by risk assessment. The services include evidence-based programming and incentives to youth. The Regional grant enables the development of a collaboration with the following counties: Barton, Butler, Cowley, Elk, Ellsworth, Greenwood, Harvey, McPherson, Rice and Sumner to address service needs and gaps. Services are targeted to address criminogenic needs; evidence-based programs based on responsivity factors and can be expanded to address other needs. Education, employment and substance abuse treatment is also provided at ERC.