Funding committee (FC) responds to requests for services and supports from individuals eligible for Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability (IDD) services. There are two basic means of accessing funding for an individual through SCDDO: 

  1. Access to Direct Financial Assistance – i.e. requests for Family Support, Incidental Consumer Supports, and One-Time Funds.
  2. Waiting list exceptions – i.e. Crisis Access and New Access to Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) - Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability (IDD) Program services for priority populations.

General Information

  1. The funding committee meets weekly to review requests and consists of SCDDO management team members or their designees.
  2. Funding requests shall contain details regarding attempts made to meet the individuals’ needs through natural supports, community resources or alternative funding. An individual’s Managed Care Organization (MCO) resources and/or private insurance resources must also be exhausted.
  3. Decisions are made based on the IDD needs of the individual as well as funding availability.
  4. Functional assessment (formerly BASIS) must be completed timely, if applicable.
  5. Individuals/guardians will sign each type of request prior to submission to ensure that they understand the information being submitted and confirm it is accurate. In addition, individuals/guardians agree to cooperate and comply with requests for information made by SCDDO or the State of Kansas as required to apply for Medicaid or process the requests.
  6. Funding committee reviews all documentation as submitted and the current functional assessment, therefore accuracy is important. If inconsistencies exist, please ensure that sufficient explanation is provided in the request. For example, functional assessment indicates the individual is independent in all daily living skills and the Support Plan documents a different level of need, this inconsistency should be explained in the request.
  7. Appointments to present additional information as requested by the committee or during the appeal process may be scheduled with the SCDDO TCM Coordinator at (316)-660-7660.
    Parents, guardians, family members, individuals and TCM may be requested to attend in person or via a virtual meeting platform; appointments are limited to 15 minutes.
  8. TCM’s may be contacted during the funding committee process to clarify or obtain additional information which would enable the committee to make a decision. If the TCM is not available, the request may be placed in tabled status to obtain the additional information.
  9. Funds are allocated for specific purposes and may not be used for other items/services without funding committee approval. Supports cannot be provided while the individual is sleeping or when the individual would typically be in school. In addition, supports cannot be provided by members of the household. Any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by funding committee.
  10. SCDDO will pay for the newest technology at the time of purchase – i.e.: iPads, software.
  11. Replacement for items already purchased by SCDDO may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  12. Funding committee will consider requests for the following items and/or services listed below. (other items may be requested as this list is not all inclusive):
    • Communication devices, also called Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices which describes any means of communication, aside from traditional speech, that allows someone to use language. This can include using pictures, gestures, sign language, visual aids, or speech-output devices. There are a variety of devices and applications available. Some devices that could be considered are iPads, iPods, or other devices. (Professional recommendation is required, which should include what software is being recommended for communication.)
    • Durable Medical Equipment (DME) such as lifts, ramps, slings, stair lifts, etc.
    • Nutritional supplies such as Ensure, Boost, or others. (Prescription from a doctor is required)
    • Home modifications at the individual place of residence such as bathroom remodels, ramps, wooden fences, etc. (Proof of home ownership is required)
    • Sensory devices such as chewies, weighted blankets, weighted vests, etc. (Professional recommendation may be requested)
    • Specialized Strollers
    • Ankle Foot Orthotics (AFO’s), Hatchback shoes and special socks for the AFO’s. (Professional recommendation may be requested)
    • Wheelchair modifications such as a replacement battery, specialized seating, headrests, harnesses, etc.
    • Dental work and anesthesia. (Treatment plan required)
    • Community employment related public transportation costs
    • Respite, Personal Care Services, or specialized daycare
    • Latchkey for individuals 13 years of age and older
    • YESS Camp and Camp Woodchuck staff costs
    • Startup funds: limited to $1,500 per person per fiscal year ending June 30th (see Direct Financial Assistance for more information)
    • Incontinence supplies for individuals 4 years of age and older
    • Vehicle modifications
    • Items related to employment that are mandated by the employer, such as steel toe work boots, specific clothing, etc.
  13. Funding committee will not consider requests for:
    • Past due bills
    • Items not directly related to the individual’s disability
    • Reimbursement for items/services purchased prior to funding committee approval
    • Vitamins
    • Therapies such as speech, occupational, and physical
    • Tutors
    • Items requested to be used in a school/classroom setting
    • Vehicles
    • Services provided by other waivers in which an individual is currently enrolled
    • General transportation costs/fees
    • Orthodontic care for cosmetic purposes


  1. Request packets are submitted by the individuals Targeted Case Manager (TCM). If an individual does not have a TCM, contact should be made with SCDDO Service Access department at 316-660-7630 for assistance.
  2. Completed requests are due by noon each Monday and should be emailed to or delivered to the SCDDO TCM Coordinator. For additional information on the supporting documentation required to complete a packet, refer to Funding Committee Checklist. Incomplete packets will be returned to the TCM and will not be reviewed until complete.
  3. The FC Workflow provides information on the process after a request has been submitted.
  4. Income verification is required for all types of income reported in the request. The following documents are acceptable forms of verification:


    • Letter from Social Security (within the last year)
    • Bank Statement documenting the deposit is from Social Security, the remainder of the entries can be blacked out

    Foster Care Payment

    • Print out of monthly payment from child placing agency
    • Bank Statement documenting the deposit is from child placing agency, the remainder of the entries can be blacked out

    General Assistance

    • This would be any other public assistance that is provided to the family

    Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF)

    • Original letter from Kansas Department for Children & Families (DCF) documenting the benefit amount
    • Printout of monthly benefit from DCF 
    • (website provides ability to check balance and review transactions)


    • Pay stubs (last 2 is preferred)
    • Tax returns from previous year
    • A bank statement documenting the deposit is not sufficient because it does not provide gross income

    Alimony/Child Support

    Trust Fund/ Adoption Subsidy

    • Letter from child placing agency detailing the amount
    • Adoption contract detailing the amount
    • Print out of monthly payment from State of Kansas

    Food Stamps (Vision Card)

    Other (please explain)

    • Could refer to retirement funds received by family
  5. Doctor orders/professional recommendation is a recommendation identifying need and necessary supports required to meet the individuals IDD related needs. (Examples: Dentist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Physician, etc.)
  6. Signature pages showing approval must be submitted with all Support Plans, Individual Education Plan (IEP), and Mental Health Case Plan.

Funding Committee Decision

  1. When Funding Committee is unable to make a decision due to incomplete or unclear documentation, the request is placed in tabled status. To assist with the resolution of tabled requests, the deadline for accepting additional information will be extended to the day of Funding Committee the following week.
  2. Individual/guardians will be notified directly via letter from SCDDO of the committee’s decision within three business days following the decision. The individual’s TCM and MCO (if appropriate) will receive a copy of the letter that is mailed from SCDDO.
  3. TCM’s will be notified of the committee’s decision within two business days following the decision via the funding committee meeting minutes. The minutes documenting the decision will be emailed to each TCM director or designee.
  4. If an individual does not agree with the decision of funding committee and there is additional information/documentation to be presented, please contact the TCM for a reconsideration.
  5. An appeal can be made to ask the funding committee to revisit the funding committee’s denial or decision concerning a request for service and/or supports. The TCM and/or SCDDO TCM Coordinator may assist individuals with the appeal process.
    1. A written request must be submitted to appeal the funding committee’s decision.
    2. Appeals must occur within 30 days of the original decision.
    3. Following the initial 30-day appeal, individuals may enter into a dispute resolution process with SCDDO according to policy A-04, Dispute Resolution: Disputes with SCDDO.

Customer Satisfaction

SCDDO strives to provide a high level of quality customer service and support to those who we serve. In keeping with Sedgwick County values that demand ethical behavior, good stewardship, integrity, and effective communication it is our commitment to ensure that SCDDO staff is delivering this standard. To better assist in making improvements individuals, families, service providers and partners are given opportunities to tell us how we are doing in the following ways:

  1. TCM’s will have the opportunity to provide feedback on their funding committee experience twice a year via an anonymous online survey. 
  2. Individuals, parents, guardians and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide feedback on their funding committee experience via an anonymous online survey. Following an appointment, details of how to access the survey will be provided.