What to Expect from the SCDDO:

Information for Individuals without Medicaid and/or Case Management services.

Please be advised that the SCDDO will not have case managers, or a specific individual assigned to your case. SCDDO staff will be available to you on an information and referral basis only. The following are a few ways in which the SCDDO can assist you:

  • Answer questions regarding your annual BASIS appointment
  • Annual BASIS Assessment
  • Answer questions related to your funding and/or eligibility
  • Advise how to submit requests for funding including family support, direct financial assistance, and requests for crisis access.
  • Provide information regarding local service options

If case management would benefit you, you may contact participating agencies for private payment arrangement if you do not have Medicaid. Participating agencies include:

Arrowhead West, Inc. (ages 18 and over)

613 N. Ridge, Suite 105, Wichita, KS 67212-3391

Phone: 316-722-4554 Fax: 316-722-8314


Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc. (ages 14 and over)
5111 E. 21st St. N., Wichita, KS, 67208-1606
Phone: 316-688-1888 Fax: 316-688-5687


Rainbows United, Inc. (ages 0-17)

3223 N. Oliver Ave., Wichita, KS 67220-2106

Phone: 316-267-5437 Fax: 316-267-5444

5112 E 36th St North, Wichita KS, 67220-3204
Phone: (316) 651-2585 Fax: (316) 651-5866

For more information, please request “Options Counseling” at 316-660-7630.

What You Can Expect from a Targeted Case Manager

Targeted case management (TCM) services assist the person and their support network to identify, select, obtain, coordinate, and use both paid services, and natural supports to achieve their preferred lifestyle. The case manager serves as an advocate and the coordinator of services that are needed.

10 questions to ask providers when searching for case management services:

  1. How much experience do your case managers have?
  2. How long have they worked for your agency?
  3. What is your turnover rate for case managers?
  4. How many individuals are on each caseload?
  5. I am interested in a case manager who:
  6. Am I able to meet with potential case managers?
  7. How often do your case managers have contact with their families?
  8. How much will we be charged for case management? (Only applies to people without Medicaid.)
  9. How much involvement in the community do your case managers have with clients?
  10. Does your agency have an afterhours emergency number to call in case of a crisis at home or school?

If you have questions or concerns regarding your case manager, please contact their supervisor at the agency they work for. If that doesn’t resolve your concern or problem, please contact the SCDDO Quality Assurance department at (316) 660-7644.

The TCM supervisor can also assist you with finding a different case manager at their agency if needed.

If at any time you choose to change case management agencies, please contact the SCDDO Service Access & Outreach department at 316-660-7630. They will share the options that are available and send you the required paperwork.

Options Counseling to Change or Add a Service Provider

SCDDO will impartially inform individuals of the types and availability of community services to meet their needs. To request Options Counseling call 316-660-7630.

Resolve a Dispute

By law, CDDOs are required to establish dispute resolution policies. The Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization has the following policies in place:

SCDDO Quality Assurance Department is available to assist individuals and families with understanding how to resolve complaints/ concerns with a community service provider. To contact a member of the Quality Assurance team please call 316-660-7630 or email shelley.herrington@sedgwick.gov.

Complete an Annual BASIS Assessment

BASIS stands for Basic Assessment and Services Information System, and it was developed by the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) to collect information about the individual applying for the HCBS/MRDD Medicaid waiver. This assessment consists of information about the individual’s demographics, daily living skills and/or medical conditions, challenging behaviors, and the types of services the person is receiving or is interested in receiving. This assessment is updated annually to capture any changes that may have occurred.

Annual Functional Assessment

Additional Resources

SCDDO Funding Committee may have resources available to assist with meeting your needs. Please contact your Targeted Case Manager to ask about applying for funding. If you do not have a Targeted Case Manager and need assistance, please contact SCDDO Service Access department at 316-660-7630.