Operating within the Revised Kansas Juvenile Justice Code, the Juvenile Unit prosecutes juvenile offenders alleged to have violated the laws of the State of Kansas. Attorneys review case investigations presented by law enforcement agencies to determine what, if any, offenses will be charged.

Office of the District Attorney
18th Judicial District of Kansas
1900 E. Morris
Wichita, KS 67211

Juvenile or CINC Division Contact: JuvenileDivision@sedgwick.gov

Juvenile Diversion Contact: JuvenileDiversion@sedgwick.gov


Juvenile Diversion

The Juvenile Diversion Program enables qualified juvenile offenders to avoid adjudication for crimes committed upon the successful completion of an offender diversion program. Youth who are approved for the Program must accept responsibility for the offense and sign an agreement, which outlines all of the requirements of diversion. Program requirements may include a combination of payment of restitution, correctional counseling, substance abuse and mental health treatment, community service work, and payment of costs and fees. Please review eligibility requirements and guidelines here before submitting an application. Drug/Alcohol application

If you are to perform community service, this list may be helpful: Community Service Resource List


Child in Need of Care (CINC)

The Child in Need of Care (CINC) Unit has the protection of children as its primary responsibility. The CINC Unit is comprised of a Deputy District Attorney, staff attorneys, and support personnel whose obligation it is to screen cases and when appropriate file petitions alleging abuse or neglect. District Attorney staff work closely with DCF agency personnel and private contract providers. Once a case has been initiated, staff attorneys attend court proceedings in accordance with the Revised Kansas Code for Care of Children, K.S.A. 38-2201 et seq.

Truancy Intervention and Prevention Program

Truancy is a serious problem in Sedgwick County.  The District Attorney's Office receives numerous truancy referrals each year for students ages 13 through 18.

All children between the ages of seven and eighteen must attend school continuously.  Compulsory attendance laws apply to all Kansas students attending public, private, and parochial schools.

"Truancy" is a legal term.  A child who has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences, five (5) unexcused absences in a semester, or seven (7) unexcused absences in a school year is considered a truant.

The District Attorney's Office Truancy Intervention and Prevention Program offers youth reported for truancy the opportunity to address their truancy issues and work toward improved attendance and academic success.  Additionally, the program provides an alternative to formal court proceedings if the student demonstrates adequate improvement in attendance habits.