A waste stream analysis at Brooks Landfill revealed that 12.5 percent of residential garbage was yard waste. Of the many items that make up yard waste, homeowners can easily manage grass clippings and fallen leaves.

Compost Pile

What do I do with grass clippings?

Let grass clippings fall back to the lawn by mulch mowing. Mulch mowing is a quick and easy way to mow. Why stop to empty the lawnmower bag? Why drag those heavy bags of clippings to the curb? Mulch mowing allows small amounts of nutrients to return to the soil as the grass clippings decompose. If you prefer the look of a lawn free of grass clippings, continue to catch them and add them to a compost pile.

Mulch Mower Strip

What do I do with fallen leaves?

Up to three inches of leaves can be mulch mowed back into the lawn without affecting the quality of the turf. Yards that feature mature trees may generate more than three inches of leaves each season. These leaves can be picked up using a lawn mower with the bag attached. Lawn mowers will break the leaves into tiny particles that can be spread around trees and shrubs or added to a compost pile.

Limb Bundles

What do I do with tree limbs?

Cut tree and bush limbs into three to four foot lengths, bundle them with a heavy string or twine. Place these bundles at curbside. Your trash hauler will pick them up. Contact your hauler to ask how many bundles they will pick up at one time.