An International Target of Opportunity
The Sedgwick County Foreign Trade Zone is located in the geographic center of the continental United States. As a U.S. Customs port of entry, Wichita and Sedgwick County are served by a number of inbound carriers. These carriers transport cargo directly from the port of unloading into Sedgwick County where they clear U.S. Customs. In addition, air cargo can be shipped or received internationally directly from Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport. The Sedgwick County Foreign Trade Zone is ready to work for businesses involved in international trade, from manufacturing to assembly or even distribution. Whether accessed by air, rail, or surface transportation, users find our variety of international trade services and facilities not only convenient and helpful on a day-to-day basis, but highly cost-effective in the long run.
General Purpose Zone
Foreign trade zones are areas within the United States where foreign and domestic goods are not within U.S. Customs Territory. Users are thereby exempt from paying duty or federal tax while goods remain in the zone or are exported.
In instances when a firm wants foreign trade zone status for its own plant or facility and when the existing general-purpose zone cannot accommodate the firm's proposed activity, the designation of a subzone may be granted.
Applications, Fees, and Agreements
The application process, fees, and agreements vary according to intended use.
It is the intent of the U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Program to stimulate economic growth and development in the United States. The program was designed to promote American competitiveness by encouraging companies to maintain and expand their operations in the United States.
The Sedgwick County Foreign Trade Zone has the flexibility to work with a firm to meet all of its site and facility requirements.
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