These files are provided as a service for consultants developing plans to Sedgwick County Public Works requirements. Project special provisions can be found here.
The standards may or may not be updated using the latest version of AutoCAD software. Any compatibility issues will be the responsibility of the downloading party.
Ensure that the file “SCPW Standards Instructions” is downloaded and reviewed for proper usage of these drawings.
Questions may be directed to
It is suggested these files be placed under a common folder named “County Standards”.
- Bridge Standards
- Pavement Marking Standards
- Traffic Control Standards
- Sign Details
- Signalization
- Miscellaneous
Support Files
Copy these files to your AutoCAD “support” folder, and apply in the plot dialogue.
- scpwmono.ctb - Sedgwick County color table file for pen sizes (full-size plot)
- scpwmono-half.ctb - Sedgwick County color table file for pen sizes (half-size plot)
You may copy the following files to any folder you like. It is suggested the files be kept together, so when updates are made by Sedgwick County, you can replace them easily.
This website provides .pdf files to show what the line weights on your final plots should be.
Bridge Standards
Name | Revised | Download | |
Bridge Project Marker-Large |
03/24/25 |
Bridge Project Marker-Small |
03/29/23 |
Pavement Marking Standards
Name |
Revised |
Download |
PM-1: Two-lane Roadways |
03/29/23 |
PM-2: Multi-lane Roadways |
03/29/23 |
PM-3: Multi-lane Roadways with Curb and Gutter |
03/29/23 |
PM-4: Marking on Concrete Bridge Decks |
03/29/23 |
PM-5: Marking on Bridge Decks (Methyl Methacrylate) |
03/29/23 |
PM-6: At-Grade Railroad Crossing |
03/29/23 |
Traffic Control Standards
Name |
Revised |
Download |
TC-1: Traffic Control Signs and Channelization |
03/29/23 |
TC-2: Traffic Control Barricades |
03/29/23 |
TC-3: Blank Traffic Control for special areas |
03/29/23 |
TC-4: Construction Work at Off-Shoulder Locations (2 & 4-lane) |
03/29/23 |
TC-5: One Lane Closed on 2-Lane Roadway (Flagger) |
03/29/23 |
TC-6: One Lane Closed on 2-Lane Roadway (Pilot Car) |
03/29/23 |
TC-7: Moving Work Area on 2-Lane Roadway (Flaggers) |
03/29/23 |
TC-8: Moving Work Area on 2-Lane Roadway (Pilot Car) |
03/29/23 |
TC-9: One Lane Closed on 2-Lane Roadway (Signals) |
03/29/23 |
TC-10: One Lane Closed on 4-Lane Roadway |
03/29/23 |
TC-11: One-Half Roadway Closed on 4-Lane Undivided Roadway |
03/29/23 |
TC-12: One Lane Closed on 4-Lane Divided Roadway |
03/29/23 |
TC-13: Center Lanes Closed on 4-Lane Undivided Roadway |
03/29/23 |
TC-14: One Roadway Closed on 4-Lane Divided Roadway |
03/29/23 |
TC-15: Railroad Crossing Closure |
03/29/23 |
TC-16: Summary of Traffic Control Devices |
03/29/23 |
TC-17: Lane Closures with Stop Signs |
03/29/23 |
TC-18: Road Closure for Culvert Replacement |
03/29/23 |
Sign Details
Name |
Revised |
Download |
TE-1: Traffic Sign Installation Details |
03/29/23 |
TE-2: Street Name Sign Installation Details |
03/29/23 |
TE-3: Object Marker Installation Details |
03/29/23 |