Do your part to keep excess sediment out of our creeks, streams and rivers! Sediments like loose sand, clay, silt and other soil particles can merge with stormwater and degrade the quality of water for drinking, wildlife and the surrounding land. You can help keep our water clean by doing the following,


  1. Sweep sidewalks and driveways instead of hosing them off.
  2. Put weed-free mulch or compost on your garden.
  3. Use a straw erosion control blanket if restarting or tilling a lawn.
  4. Avoid mowing within in 10 to 25 feet from the edge of a stream or creek.
  5. Wash your car at a commercial car wash or on a surface that absorbs water like grass or gravel.

Polluted stormwater contaminates local waterways.

Click here to read about sediment entering stormwater