The Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Cadets are a voluntary post organized under the Learning for Life Explorer program, sponsored by the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office, under the Direction of the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Community Liaison Unit. It serves the public without compensation in the interest of good law enforcement and in cooperation with all law enforcement agencies. The Sheriff and/or Sergeant of the Sedgwick County Community Liaison Unit may call upon this post to perform various duties at his/her direction at any time, day or night, to give assistance to the citizens of Sedgwick County and perform emergency service if the need arises.

What is Law Enforcement Exploring?

The intent of law enforcement exploring is to educate and involve youth in police operations, to interest them in law enforcement functions whether they enter police work or not. Through involvement, the law enforcement Explorer program establishes an awareness of the complexities of police services. Exploring provides the law enforcement community an opportunity to further an investment in its own future through relationships with fit and capable young adults. Exploring furthers each Explorer's education, encourages the Explorer's participation in a rewarding and productive service activity, and enhances the Explorer's preparation for future roles as a citizen and community member.

Exploring is the young adult career education program of Learning for Life for both young men and women who are 14 and graduates of the eighth grade or 15 through 20 years of age. Law Enforcement Exploring is a youth development program centered around Law Enforcement careers. The Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office affords it's cadets opportunities to experience and become involved in such activities as crime prevention activities, community policing, traffic control, finger printing, ride-a-longs, patrol procedures, and connecting activities with high schools, the court system, and national, state, and local academies. The bottom line is that Law Enforcement Exploring is action-oriented.

Interested in Joining?

If you are at least 14 years of age and have completed the eighth grade you are eligible to apply to become a Sedgwick County Sheriff's Cadet. The Cadet Explorer program is designed for young adults between 14 and 20 years of age. Candidates must be of good moral character. Interested individuals should complete a Cadet Application and mail it to the Sheriff's Community Liaison Unit. Completed applications can be mailed to the following address:

Sedgwick County Sheriff Community Liaison Unit

830 W Stillwell

Wichita, KS 67213

If you have questions you may call the Community Liaison Unit at (316) 660-3920 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.