The Sedgwick County Detention facility books inmates for all municipalities in Sedgwick County as well as Federal inmates, Parole Violators, and newly arrested persons on misdemeanor and felony charges. Please note that the judge and /or court in which the inmate will appear controls the conditions of bond, the amount of bond and the type of bond that is to be posted.

Bond Amounts

The bond amounts shown are for the charge listed on the same line. The computer system requires a dollar amount to be listed; because of this the line may say $0.00. $0.00 will appear in the bond amount column when the following conditions exist:

  1. $0.00 will be listed when an inmate is committed to the facility and no bond is allowed.
  2. $0.00 will be listed when a judge has order that no bond be allowed.
  3. $0.00 will be listed when multiple charges are booked on one case number.

To determine the total amount of bond for an inmate, simply add the dollar amount shown in the “Bond Amount” column.

Some inmates are not allowed bond because of their charges or because they are committed to the facility to serve a sentence imposed by the courts.

Inmates booked on State Arrest and Detain Orders and State Parole Violations are not bondable.

Inmates booked on Juvenile Holds and Warrants are not bondable.

Inmates convicted and are awaiting Transport Orders to the Kansas Department of Corrections are not bondable.

Inmates that are bondable fall into three categories.

  • Cash only bonds

    --any bond may be posted in cash, however there are some charges that the courts have set as cash only bonds. Examples of these charges are child support and bonds that are set as cash only by a judge. Inmates with these charges require that the bond be paid in cash. Personal or business checks will not be accepted. Cash bonds that total more than $10,000.01 will require the person posting the bond to have photo identification and to complete a reporting form for the Internal Revenue Service, which will provided. The court receiving the cash bond will determine the final disposition of the cash posted as bond. The Sedgwick County sheriff’s Office cannot refund cash bonds once they are posted. When a person posts a cash bond the receipt will be made out as from the person who is providing the cash, with the inmate name listed as who the money is for.
  • Own Recognizance (OR)

    -- Inmates that meet the specified requirement of the controlling court may qualify for OR bonds. The qualified inmates will be allowed to sign a bond that states that they agree to report to court on the stated date and time.
    • OR Bond guidelines as set by the courts:

      1. The person must be a resident of the metro area; Sedgwick, Harvey, Butler, Sumner, Reno or Kingman counties. The booking sergeant may, after review of the charges and circumstances, approve an OR bond for a Kansas resident living outside of the metro area. Persons living outside the states of Kansas do not qualify for an OR bond except on the authority of a judge for the court having jurisdiction in the case.
      2. Persons booked as a John or Jane Doe are ineligible to be given an OR bond.
      3. Those arrested on driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be eligible for an OR bond until either someone arrives to pick him/her up that is not under the influence or the booking sergeant feels that the person is able to function on their own. The sergeant may use up to a four hour observation period before authorizing an OR bond depending on the person’s behavior. There are no fees or cost related to the release.
  • Professional Surety

    -- Inmates that are listed as Professional Surety bonds have two options. The inmate many post bond through a Bail Bondsman or post the full amount of the bond in cash. Bail bonding companies typically require a fee to be paid. The contract between the bonding company and the inmate is a civil matter and the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office cannot refund fees charged or reduce the fees charged by any company. The bonding companies are listed in the local telephone directory under “Bail Bonds.”

Domestic Violence -- Inmates held on domestic violence charges must remain in custody for a court ordered cooling off period before they bond. Each municipality has different time periods that is required and bond amounts. Inmates booked on violations of domestic violations bonds and protection from abuse orders will be required to post bond.

Out-of-State Warrants --Inmates booked on Out-of-State Warrants will not be allowed to post bond until an 18th Judicial District Court Judge sets a bond.