Adult Detention and Annex Facility
The Operations Division is the largest division in the Sheriff’s Office and is responsible for the day in and day out operations of the Adult Detention Facility and Annex Facility
The division has:
- 2 Captains
- 7 lieutenants
- 17 sergeants
- 21 corporals
- 221 deputies
They are assigned to a variety of sections in order to maintain operations to what has been referred to as the 7th largest city in Sedgwick County.
The Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office opened the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office Annex Facility located at 701 West Harry on January 28, 2019. The building previously served as the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office Work Release Facility. The Annex is a detention facility, it will be operated in a similar manner to the main detention facility located at 141 West Elm. The Annex houses:
- 180 inmates, including six inmate workers and 16 full-time deputies
- 2 sergeants
- 1 lieutenant.
On each of three watches The Booking Section staffs:
- 1 sergeant
- 3 corporals
- 3 deputies
It initiates the first of many processes that someone will encounter when being booked into the Detention Facility. Several records checks are conducted, searches for contraband are conducted, and fingerprints, photographs and under certain circumstances DNA are collected.
An inmate will have their property submitted for safe keeping with currency being collected and placed into an account. Depending on how long someone could be kept in the facility, they may be issued clothing along with bedding and toiletries. The daunting tasks are managing the intake and release of all of these things some 32,000 per year.
The Classification section is comprised of:
- 1 sergeant
- 2 corporals
They are tasked with properly placing inmates within the housing pods of the facility. Criteria such as current/past charges, facility disciplinary history and special needs are considered for each inmate.
Comprised of:
- 3 corporals
Population Control is tasked with planning the logistics of transporting inmates to other county detention facilities. In addition, following an inmate’s sentencing phase, population will coordinate with area prisons to ensure the safe transportation from our facility to theirs.
Master Control is the nerve center of the Detention Facility. Deputies assigned here are responsible for monitoring nearly every square inch of the three-story, two city-block building. Deputies monitor 200 video cameras, independently control 9 elevators and open and close 1,500 electronically actuated doors.