Shelter Services
Homeless Shelters/Transitional/Permanent Housing
- Anthony Family Shelter, Catholic Charities, Inc.
Phone: 264-7233
256 N Ohio (Families with children)
- Bridges
Phone: 681-6711
7271 E. 37th Street North
(16-23 yrs. old homeless youth with or without children)
- Gerard House
Phone: 832-0777
3144 N Hood
(Res. Home for pregnant teens/women & 2 months after birth)
- United Methodist Open Door (UMOD) - Resource Center
Phone: 265-9371
402 E. 2nd Day Shelter , Case Management & referral center
(open 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. Serving adults and families)
- Harbor House (Domestic Violence)
Phone: 263-6000
P.O. Box 3759 67201 (Families/Singles who are victims of domestic violence)
- Inter-Faith Inn, Inter-Faith Ministries
Phone: 264-8051
320 E Central (Single men, women, families, unmarried couples)
- OZ Opportunity Zone
Phone: 440-9300
1157 N. Emporia
Day shelter and services for homeless youth 21 & under.
Mon & Wed noon-6pm and Thursdays 3-9pm. Overnight crisis bed (off site).
- Salvation Army, Homeless Services
Phone: 263-2196
350 N Market (Single women, couples, families)
- Shalom Homes of Wichita
Phone: 516-6153
4802 E. Arlene (Res. Homes for Veteran Men & Women)
- Step Stone
Phone: 265-1611
1329 S. Bluffview
(Housing Program for woman & children suffering from DV)
- TiWiconi Safe Haven (Mentally Ill by Referral Only
Phone: 263-0006
841 N. Broadway
Transitional shelter with case mgt, food and transportation.
- Union Rescue Mission (Men Only)
Phone: 687-4673
2800 N Hillside (Men only)
- Warming Souls Winter Shelter (Nov 1-March 31)
Check-in at the Inter-Faith Inn #6, 320 E. Central
Phone: 264-8051
Men- IFM Spiritual Center, 841 N. Market
Women- Ti’Wiconi Safe Haven #11, 841 N. Broadway
Phone: 263-0006
- Wichita Children’s Home
Phone: 684-6581
7271 E. 37th Street North
(Shelter, case management, advocacy & other services for children 0-17.Survivors of human trafficking (ages 12-17), that are referred by law enforcement and mentors, or survivors of human trafficking.)
- YWCA Women’s Crisis Center
Phone: 267-SAFE
P.O. Box 1740 / 67201 7233
(24-hour emergency shelter and crisis Intervention/outreach support for victims of domestic violence ONLY)
Rent & Utilities
Center of Hope (Call Mondays 9-12 and 1-4 Only)
Phone: 267-0222
*Applicants should be aware that requests often exceed available funding.
His Helping Hands (by agency referral only)
Phone: 838-8528
City of Wichita Housing Department
Phone: 462-3700
Sedgwick County Housing Department
Phone: 660-7270
Affordable Housing, Inc.
Phone: 618-8652
Fair Housing – Urban League of KS
Phone: 262-2463
Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
Phone: 269-0755
Phone: (877)428-8844
Mennonite Housing Rehabilitations Services Inc.
Phone: 942-4848
MHA-VA Housing (referred by VA)
Phone: 685-1821