The Investigations Division is responsible for the investigation and case preparation of criminal cases that have been reported to the sheriff’s office. The Division is comprised of deputies and civilian employees who work many varied tasks that include:
- Crimes Against Persons
- Crimes Against Property
- Forensics Laboratory
- Intelligence
- Narcotics
- E.M.C.U. (Exploited and Missing Child Unit)
- O.R.U. (Offender Registration Unit)
- Violent Crime Task Force
- F.B.I. Joint Terrorism Task Force
This unit is responsible for overseeing the registration of over 3,000 registered offenders in Sedgwick County and maintaining the on-line “Offender Watch” database where citizens may check on offender status in their neighborhoods. They also process concealed carry handgun permit applications as well as fingerprints for citizens needing them for employment or background checks.
Forensic Laboratory Section investigators are trained to document, collect and preserve evidence at crime scenes. Laboratory detectives respond to calls 24 hours a day.
The Narcotics Section investigates drug and vice violations. Undercover operations are used to purchase narcotics, informants are utilized for information, and search warrants are drawn to seize evidence. Liquor sales and adult entertainment establishments are also monitored for compliance.
The Intelligence Section is the central repository for information gained from other agencies regarding criminal activities in the county. It exchanges information with other agencies to stay abreast of developments with suspects and cases. Homeland Security issues are also handled by the Intelligence Section.
The Exploited and Missing Child Unit is a multi-agency task force that investigates sexual abuse, physical abuse, Internet crimes against children, exploitation of children and runaways. The section’s computer forensics unit can gain evidence from suspect computers, facilitating criminal prosecution in Internet crimes against children and other crimes.
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is a collective effort comprised of state, local and federal law enforcement dedicated to investigating domestic and international terrorist activities in the United States.