Emotional & Psychological Abuse

When most people think of domestic violence, they immediately think of physical violence of some type but emotional/psychological abuse is very real. It can cause permanent damage to a person’s self esteem and can leave lasting psychological scars. Yelling, blaming, and name calling are all examples of tactics used by the emotional abuser. Other coercion including intimidation, controlling behavior, and isolation are also common. Most of these actions are not, per se, illegal in the state of Kansas; however, sometimes the abuser will resort to using threats as a way to control their victim. These threats can be illegal if they meet the statutory requirements outlined in S.A 21-5415. This however; does not negate the fact that this type of abuse is real and that victims should attempt to get assistance as soon as possible when this type of behavior begins to occur. Many times, physical abuse is precluded by emotional/psychological abuse so victims should be very vigilant if emotional abuse begins to take place. If someone is the victim of this type of abuse and wants to seek help, he or she should contact the Catholic Charities Harbor House in Wichita at (316) 263-6000 or (866) 899-5522.

The psychological warning signs of abuse

People who are being abused may:

  • Have very low self-esteem, even if they used to be confident.
  • Show major personality changes (e.g. an outgoing person becomes withdrawn).
  • Be depressed, anxious, or suicidal. 2

Warning signs of isolation

People who are being isolated by their abuser may:

  • Be restricted from seeing family and friends.
  • Rarely go out in public without their partner.

Have limited access to money, credit cards, or the car. 2