60-day Permits
Sixty-day permits can ONLY be issued on newly purchased vehicles. The new owner's name and Kansas driver's license number MUST be assigned on the back of the title. These permits are valid only for the first 60 days of ownership. Only one 60-day permit can be issued to any person per vehicle sale. The date of sale is the legal date of purchase, which is used to determine the expiration date of the permit. Proof of insurance coverage must be provided for the vehicle. The cost of the permit is $13.00.
At least one registered owner's Kansas driver's license number is required on every personal vehicle title application or renewal. Owners of vehicles registered in a business name will be asked to furnish their FEIN number, which will be entered instead of a driver’s license number. Leased vehicle users will be asked for the lessee’s Kansas driver’ license number. This information will not print on your receipt and will be on file only with the Kansas Department of Revenue. We do not retain this information at the county level.
Sixty-day permits can also be obtained with an electronic sales agreement form, electronic POA form & owner's registration.
1-day Permits
One-day permits are valid ONLY to take a vehicle from where it is currently parked, to the vehicle inspection station and back again. These same day permits are NOT valid to move the vehicle for any other reason. The inspection cost is $20 for an out-of-state or Kansas non-highway title, cash preferred and $25 for a salvage title. The permit can be purchased at any tag office location for $1.00. Title and proof of insurance must be provided for the vehicle.
Extensions on temporary permits and tags are not permitted.
Kansas Standard Auto Tag

Kansas Standard Motorcycle Tag

Kansas Standard Motorbike Tag

Kansas Personalized Tag

If would like to order a personalized plate for a vehicle that currently has a standard Ad Astra plate, you must come into one of the county tag offices to order. Bring your current registration receipt for the vehicle and the completed personal tag application. Bring several spelling choices and be prepared to pay the $45.50 reservation fee.
Starting January 2, 2022, Personalized plates will be available to be ordered on both the "Powering the Future" and the "Ad Astra" plate designs.
Our office will mail a notification postcard to the address on your application form when we receive the plate from the manufacturer. Your notification postcard will detail what you will need to bring in to receive your new plate.
Disabled Personalized Plates are also available. All disabled personalized plates (auto, truck and motorcycle) are allowed a total of five letters, numbers and/or spaces.
Should you have questions on this process, please email KDOR_TR@KS.GOV.
Disabled Tags and Placards
Any Kansas resident who submits satisfactory proof to the director of vehicles on form TR-159 that such person is a person with a disability or is responsible for the transportation of a person with a disability shall be issued a special license plate or a permanent placard for any motor vehicle owned by such person or shall be issued a temporary placard. Satisfactory proof of disability, condition or impairment shall include a statement from a person licensed to practice the healing arts in any state, a licensed optometrist, an advanced practice registered nurse licensed under K.S.A. 65-1131, and amendments thereto, a licensed physician assistant or a Christian Science practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal certifying that such person is a person with a disability. The placard shall be suspended immediately below the rear-view mirror of any motor vehicle used for the transportation of a person with a disability so as to be maximally visible from outside the vehicle.
In addition to the special license plate or permanent placard, the director of vehicles shall issue to the person with a disability an individual identification card which must be carried by the person with a disability when the motor vehicle being operated by or used for the transportation of such person is parked in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 8-1,126, and amendments thereto.
In addition to the temporary placard, a person issued such temporary placard shall carry the state or county receipt showing the name of the person who is issued such temporary placard. A person submitting satisfactory proof that such person's disability, condition or impairment is permanent in nature, and upon such person's request and payment of the fees prescribed shall be issued a permanent placard or a permanent placard and a special license plate and an individual identification card. Upon proper request, one additional permanent placard shall be issued to the applicant who has not requested and received a special license plate. Upon proper request, one additional temporary placard shall be issued to the applicant certified as temporarily disabled. Temporary placards shall have an expiration date of no longer than six months from the date of issuance. The special license plates and placards shall display the international symbol of access to the physically disabled.
You may print a Self Certification of Continued Eligibility for Disabled Parking Privilege form (TR-159a) to self-certify permanent disability at no fee. You can bring it to any of the tag office locations or mail it to:
Sedgwick County Treasurer
P. O. Box 2909
Wichita, KS 67201-2909
Antique/Special Tags
College/University Tags
- Benedictine College
- Emporia State University
- Fort Hays State University
- Friends University
- Kansas State University
- University of Kansas
- Pittsburg State University
- Washburn University
- Wichita State University
Military Tags
- New Military Branch Plates
- Combat Wounded Purple Heart
- Disabled Veteran
- Ex-Prisoner-of-War
- Kansas National Guard
- Korean War Veteran
- Medal of Honor
- Operation Desert Storm Veteran
- Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran
- Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
- Pearl Harbor Survivor
- U.S. Veteran
- Vietnam Veteran
Organizational and Special Interest Tags
- 4H
- Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Alzheimer's Association
- Agriculture
- Amateur Radio Operator
- Autism Awareness
- Boy Scouts of America
- Braden's Hope
- Breast Cancer Research
- Children's Trust Fund
- Choose Life
- Delta Sigma Theta
- Donate Life
- Down Syndrome Awareness
- Ducks Unlimited
- Eisenhower Foundation
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Families of the Fallen
- Firefighter
- Gadsden Flag
- Gold Star Mother
- Helping Schools
- Horse Council
- I'm Pet Friendly
- In God We Trust
- Love, Chloe
- Masonic Lodge
- Omega Psi Phi
- Proud Educator
- Rotary International
- Shriner
- Special Olympics
- Support the Arts
- Wichita Flag