An antique vehicle is any vehicle that is at least 35 years old, inclusive, propelled by a motor using petroleum fuel, steam, electricity, or a combination thereof. The owner must provide proof of ownership by presenting a properly assigned title or a notarized bill of sale, which includes the make, year, selling price and vehicle identification (VIN) number. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date, will be required. Annual registration is $17.00 after plate is issued. Cost: $45.50 registration fee plus tag fee in addition to personal property taxes and sales tax. Once the vehicle is registered, you will be mailed a personal property tax statement every year in December.

Special Antique
Kansas antique vehicle owners are allowed to display a Kansas issued license plate that corresponds to the vehicle year of the antique, providing the vehicle and license plate are at least thirty-five years. Example: 1956 Ford with Kansas License plate initially issued in 1956 will have a "56" on the plate. The antique owner will be required to complete the Antique Model Year License Plate Affidavit attesting that the vehicle model year and the year of issuance on the license plate are the same. The plate to be used must not be altered or defaced and must be as originally issued by the State of Kansas as pursuant to K.S.A. 8-172(c). Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. Cost- $45.00 registration fee in addition to personal property tax and sales tax . Once the vehicle is registered, you will be mailed a personal property tax statement every year in December.
Decals for Antique Vehicle Model Year Tags; HB2599
HHB2599 allows the owner of an antique vehicle displaying a model year license plate issued in 1976 or later to display an original decal for the year of the vehicle, as long as such decal is legible, or a replacement decal which displays the year of the vehicle. Such replacement decals will be available from county treasurers starting January 1, 2013. Kansas law defines an antique vehicle as "any vehicle, including an antique military vehicle, more than 35 years old, propelled by a motor using petroleum fuel, steam or electricity or any combination thereof. "Decals to indicate registration year were authorized for use beginning in 1976.

Special Interest Vehicle
A special interest vehicle means a motor vehicle which is more than 20 years of age and which has not been altered or modified from the original manufacturer's specifications except to assure normal running operation or to meet specific safety inspection requirements on original equipment, or both.
To qualify you must be a Kansas resident or a member of the military who is not a Kansas resident and is stationed at a Kansas military base or office.
The vehicle must be owned and titled in Kansas in the name of the applicant
The applicant for a Special Interest plate must also own or lease and have registered one or more vehicles which regular registration fees are paid.
Everyone applying for a Special Interest plate must be issued a Collector’s Number by the Division of Vehicles. The collector’s number is the number used for the registration number on the Special Interest plate. If the collector has more than one special interest vehicle registered, the registration number on the Special Interest plate will be followed by a letter. Example: 1st vehicle’s registration number would be 1234, the 2nd vehicle’s registration number would be 1234 A, the 3rd vehicle would be 1234 B and so on.
Steps to obtain the plate:
- Complete and sign the Special Interest/Street Rod Affidavit, form number TR-145.
- If you are making application for a second, third, etc. Special Interest plate, bring your collector’s number and the registration receipt for all Special Interest plates currently issued to the collector.
Fee for Special Interest plate:
- A one-time $20 fee to defray the cost of issuing the original collector’s Special Interest plate.
- The registration fee for Special Interest registration is $26 per year, plus property taxes.
Related Kansas Statute(s): KSA 8-194, 8-195 and 8-196

Street Rod
A street rod vehicle means a vehicle manufactured in 1949 or before that has been altered or modified and may be referred to as a "street rod.” The main component of a street rod that must still be part of the original vehicle is the body, i.e. the body must be all original steel. This is commonly referred to as Detroit steel for American made vehicles of this era. There may be some body work to repair rust and dents, but it must still be repairs to the original steel body. A vehicle meeting the definition of street rod cannot be titled and/or registered as an antique due to alteration or modification.
“Kit cars” do not qualify as street rod vehicles. A kit car is intended to appear or resemble a vehicle manufactured in 1949 or before, but it was assembled after 1949 from parts manufactured after 1949.
To qualify you must be a Kansas resident or a member of the military who is not a Kansas resident and is stationed at a Kansas military base or office.
The Vehicle must be owned and titled in Kansas in the name of the applicant.
The applicant for a Street Rod plate must also own or lease and have registered one or more vehicles which regular registration fees are paid.
Everyone applying for a Street Rod plate must be issued a Collector’s Number by the Division of Vehicles. The collector’s number is the number used for the registration number on the Street Rod plate. If the collector has more than one Street Rod vehicle registered, the registration number on the Street Rod plate will be followed by a letter. Example: 1st vehicle’s registration number would be 1234, the 2nd vehicle’s registration number would be 1234 A, the 3rd vehicle would be 1234 B and so on.
Steps to obtain the plate:
- Complete and sign the Special Interest/Street Rod Affidavit, form number TR-145.
- If you are making application for a second, third, etc. Special Interest/Street Rod plate, bring your collector’s number and the registration receipt for all Special Interest and/or Special Interest/Street Rod plates currently issued to the collector.
Fee for Street Rod plate:
- A one-time $20 fee to defray the cost of issuing the original collector’s Special Interest plate.
- The registration fee for Special Interest registration is $26 per year, plus property taxes.
Related Kansas Statute(s): KSA 8-194, 8-195 and 8-196