Armed Forces Branch Plates

Six new military plates are authorized for a resident of Kansas, who is an active member or veteran of any branch of the United States military, including: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and Space Force. These will be in production January 1, 2022.
i. Those eligible must be currently serving or separated with an honorable discharge.
ii. If they are retired from the military, they can opt to have “RETIRED” printed between the bolt holes of the plate. Proof of retired status is indicated by a wallet card indicating their retired status, or their DD-214 may indicated retired or they will have a separate retirement order.
iii. Wheelchair emblem eligible
iv. Cognitive Disorder customer eligible
Combat Wounded Purple Heart

A Combat Wounded/Purple Heart plate may be issued for an auto, motorcycle or truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less which is titled or leased in Kansas in the name of the Purple Heart medal recipient.
At the Purple Heart recipient’s option, and if qualified, NO MORE THAN TWO of the following decals may displayed on the Combat Wounded/Purple Heart plate: silver star, bronze star, combat medical badge, army combat infantry badge, navy/marine corps combat action ribbon, army distinguished service cross, navy cross, air force cross or distinguished flying cross. These medals &/or ribbons must have been awarded by the United States government.
To qualify you must be a Kansas resident or a member of the military who is not a Kansas resident and is stationed at a Kansas military base or office.
The vehicle must be titled in Kansas in your or the leasing company from which you are leasing the vehicle.
If you are discharged, a copy of the DD 214 showing the issuance of a Purple Heart Medal. If the applicant currently has a Kansas Combat Wounded plate, a copy of the registration receipt for the plate may be presented in lieu of the DD 214. The branch of service and medal &/or ribbon decals must be noted on the DD 214.
If you are currently serving as an active-duty member of the U. S. military, a document or certificate issued by a branch of the U. S. military attesting to the awarding of a Purple Heart medal will be needed. The documentation must list your name.
Steps to obtain the plate:
- Make application for the Combat Wounded/Purple Heart plate at the Sedgwick County Tag Office or substation.
- The branch of service and medal &/or ribbon decals must be noted on the DD 214 which must be presented to the Sedgwick County Tag Office or substation.
Fee for Purple Heart plate:
- Standard registration fees and property taxes are due for the vehicle to which the Combat Wounded plate is issued.
- All decals have a fee of $2.00 each.
Related Kansas Statute(s): KSA 8-1,140, 8-1,156
Disabled Veteran

A Disabled Veteran plate may be issued for an auto, motorcycle or truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less which is titled in Kansas in the name of the Disabled Veteran or leased by the same.
To qualify you must be a Kansas resident or a member of the military who is not a Kansas resident and is stationed at a Kansas military base or office.
You must have served in the armed forces of the United States and:
- are entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability of at least 50% according to the laws administered by the veteran's administration, or
- be entitled to compensation for the loss, or permanent loss of use, of one or both feet or one or both hands, or for permanent visual impairment of both eyes to a prescribed degree, or
- be responsible for the transportation of a Disabled Veteran who meets the qualifications above.
The vehicle must be titled in Kansas in your name or the leasing company from which you are leasing the vehicle.
The Application for Disabled Veterans License Plate, form TR-103, must be completed and signed by both the Disabled Veteran and the Regional Director for the Veterans Administration prior to making application.
Steps to obtain the plate:
- Make application and submit the completed and signed Application for Disabled Veterans License Plate form at the Sedgwick County Tag Office or substation.
- If you currently have a Kansas Disabled Veteran plate, a copy of the registration receipt for the plate may be presented in lieu of the Application for Disabled Veterans License Plate, form TR-103.
Fee for Disabled Veteran plate:
- There is no registration fee for the initial Disabled Veteran plate at the time of application or renewal. Property tax must still be paid for the vehicle to which the free Disabled Veteran plate is issued.
- Additional Disabled Veteran plates may be issued; however, standard registration fees and property taxes are due for the vehicles to which the additional Disabled Veteran plates are issued.
Related Kansas Statute(s): KSA 8-1,145
Ex-Prisoner of War

Applicant for EX-POW Plate must provide proof of ownership to the vehicle. The EX-POW must be on the title. Verification of EX-POW status can be made by one of the following:
Documentation from the Veterans Administration
Documentation from a branch of the Armed Services
Newspaper clippings verifying EX-POW status
2 notarized statements verifying EX-POW status
A surviving spouse may only have the EX-POW plate if the deceased POW had already been issued an EX-POW plate. Only one EX-POW plate per individual. If it is a currently owned vehicle, the current plate must be exchanged for the EX-POW Plate. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. A TR-120 Ex-Prisoner of War License Plate Application must be completed, or verification documentation provided. Cost- Plate is free. Must pay registration fees and personal property taxes.
Kansas National Guard

Kansas National Guard soldiers may use the individual’s United States Armed Forces ID card for proof of Guard membership. Retired members of the Kansas National Guard may retain their National Guard plates by having a retired ID card for proof. Applicant will need to complete the TR-129- Application for National Guard License Plate. On initial application, parts 1 and 2 of the Application should be completed. If it is a currently owned vehicle, you must bring in your current plate to replace it with a National Guard Plate. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. National Guard license plate may be issued providing the National Guard soldier is on the title of additional vehicles Cost- $.50 in addition to registration fees and personal property taxes.
Korean War Veteran

Korean War Veteran plate may be issued for passenger vehicles, trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, motorcycles or travel trailers, truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less.
All honorably discharged United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Merchant Marine or Coast Guard Veterans, qualify for this Veteran Plate. Supporting Military Document that a vehicle owner had honorable active service during this period is required. You will be required to show your DD214. If it is a currently owned vehicle, you must bring in your current plate to replace it with a Veteran Plate. There are no restrictions on the number of plates for veterans, but the veteran must be listed on the title. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. Cost- $5.50 fee in addition to registration fees and personal property taxes. You must complete a Form TR-102 to receive a veteran tag.
Medal of Honor

Members of the military who have been presented the Medal of Honor may apply for a Kansas Medal of Honor Plate. A Medal of Honor plate may be issued for an auto, motorcycle or truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less which is titled or leased in Kansas in the name of the Medal of Honor recipient.
To qualify you must be a Kansas resident or a member of the military who is not a Kansas resident and is stationed at a Kansas military base or office.
The vehicle must be titled in Kansas in your name or the leasing company from which you are leasing the vehicle.
If you are discharged, a copy of the DD 214 showing the presentation of the Medal of Honor. If you currently have a Kansas Medal of Honor plate, a copy of the registration receipt for the plate may be presented in lieu of the DD 214.
If you are currently serving as an active-duty member of the U. S. military, a document or certificate issued by a branch of the U. S. military attesting to the awarding of the Medal of Honor will be needed. The document must list your name.
Steps to obtain the plate:
- Make application and submit the proof of presentation of the Medal of Honor at the Sedgwick County Tag Office or substation.
Fee for Medal of Honor plate:
- Standard registration fees and property taxes are due for the vehicle to which the Medal of Honor plate is issued.
Related Kansas Statute(s): KSA 8-1,145
Operation Desert Storm Veteran

Operation Desert Storm Veteran plate
may be issued for passenger vehicles, trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, motorcycles or travel trailers, truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less.
All honorably discharged United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Merchant Marine or Coast Guard Veterans, qualify for this Veteran Plate. Supporting Military Document that a vehicle owner had honorable active service during this period is required. You will be required to show your DD214 or OMPF. If it is a currently owned vehicle, you must bring in your current plate to replace it with a Veteran Plate. There are no restrictions on the number of plates for veterans, but the veteran must be listed on the title. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. Cost- $5.50 fee in addition to registration fees and personal property taxes. You must complete a Form TR-102 to receive a veteran tag.
Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran

Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran plate
may be issued for passenger vehicles, trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, motorcycles or travel trailers, truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less.
All honorably discharged United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Merchant Marine or Coast Guard Veterans, qualify for this Veteran Plate. Supporting Military Document that a vehicle owner had honorable active service during this period is required. You will be required to show your DD214 or OMPF. If it is a currently owned vehicle, you must bring in your current plate to replace it with a Veteran Plate. There are no restrictions on the number of plates for veterans, but the veteran must be listed on the title. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. Cost- $5.50 fee in addition to registration fees and personal property taxes. You must complete a Form TR-102 to receive a veteran tag.
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran

Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran plate
may be issued for passenger vehicles, trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, motorcycles or travel trailers, truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less.
All honorably discharged United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Merchant Marine or Coast Guard Veterans, qualify for this Veteran Plate. Supporting Military Document that a vehicle owner had honorable active service during this period is required. You will be required to show your DD214 or OMPF. If it is a currently owned vehicle, you must bring in your current plate to replace it with a Veteran Plate. There are no restrictions on the number of plates for veterans, but the veteran must be listed on the title. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. Cost- $5.50 fee in addition to registration fees and personal property taxes. You must complete a Form TR-102 to receive a veteran tag.
Pearl Harbor Survivor

A Pearl Harbor Survivor plate may be issued for an auto, motorcycle, or truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less which is titled in Kansas in the name of the survivor or leased by the same.
To qualify you must be a Kansas resident or a member of the military who is not a Kansas resident and is stationed at a Kansas military base or office.
The vehicle must be titled in Kansas in your name or the leasing company from are leasing the vehicle.
Must meet all the following requirements
- Was a member of the United States armed forces on Dec. 7, 1941.
- Was on station on Dec. 7, 1941, during the hours of 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Hawaii time at Pearl Harbor, the island of Oahu or offshore at a distance not to exceed three miles.
- Received an honorable discharge from the United States armed forces; and
- Has been approved by the chairperson of the Kansas Pearl Harbor survivors association as being a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Steps to obtain the plate:
- Make application and submit the proof of status at the Sedgwick County Treasurer's Office or substation.
Fee for Pearl Harbor Survivor plate:
- Standard registration fees apply.
Related Kansas Statute(s): KSA 8-1,139
U.S. Veteran

A U.S. Veteran plate may be issued for passenger vehicles, trucks of a gross weight of 20,000 pounds or less, motorcycles or travel trailers, truck registered for 20,000 lbs. or less.
All honorably discharged United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Merchant Marine or Coast Guard Veterans, qualify for this Veteran Plate. You will be required to show your DD214. If it is a currently owned vehicle, you must bring in your current plate to replace it with a Veteran Plate. There are no restrictions on the number of plates for veterans, but the veteran must be listed on the title. Physical proof of insurance on the vehicle showing issue and expiration date will be required. Cost- $5.50 fee in addition to registration fees and personal property taxes. You must complete a Form TR-102 to receive a veteran tag.
Vietnam Veteran

These vehicle types are eligible for the Vietnam veteran tag:
- Passenger vehicles (autos)
- Trucks registered for 20M or less
- Motorcycles
Fees - No additional fee is associated with the Vietnam veteran tag; standard registration fees and property taxes are to be collected.
Proof of eligibility:
- A completed military veteran license plate application, form TR-102
- A copy of the applicant’s DD 214 showing one of the following medals were awarded:
- If applicant served in Vietnam between July 1, 1958, to July 3, 1965, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal.
- If the applicant served in Vietnam between July 4, 1965, to March 28, 1973, the Vietnam Service Medal.
- The proof of eligibility is only required for the initial application. It will not be required to renew.