2025 Tax Foreclosure Auction Date
The tax foreclosure auction dates for case SG-2025-CV-00040 and SG-2025-CV-000086 become public thirty days prior to sale.
2025 Tax Foreclosure Cases
You may sign up for the Tax Foreclosure Auction Alerts to be notified for upcoming sales at the link below.
Tax Foreclosure Mapping Application
Sedgwick County’s most recent interactive mapping application, Tax Foreclosure Auctions, makes it easier for prospective bidders to investigate the properties available for auction. The application can be accessed on any mobile device.
Terms of Sale
All sales are final, unless successfully challenged in court. Prior to the auction, prospective bidders should adequately acquaint themselves with the properties in which they are interested. Suggested inquiries might be considered in the areas of special assessments - County Clerk’s office (660-9200) or respective city clerks’ offices; zoning and building restrictions; respective county or city building, planning and inspection offices; plat maps - County Clerk’s office; deed information - County Clerk’s office or Register of Deeds’ office (660-9400).
Private Purchase: If a person desires to purchase a property prior to auction, that transaction is strictly between that purchaser and the owner of record. Payment in full including taxes, interest and court costs stops the tax foreclosure process. The transfer of title, and recording a new deed, will not stop the proceedings nor the sale.
Buyer Responsibility: Buyers of tax foreclosure properties are responsible for the full amount of taxes (ad valorem and specials) for the year of the sale, regardless of the date of sale. Buyers are responsible for all current and future special assessments on the property. Specials are added up to August 26 of each year or added as future assessments in the following year(s). Buyers are not responsible for delinquent taxes. Successful bidders make payment through Civic Source at checkout end of sale day. Failure to complete payment may result in legal action and will result in ineligibility to bid in future sales.
Legal Basis: The State of Kansas permits Counties to sell real property having delinquent real estate taxes at the conclusion of the Judicial Tax Foreclosure Procedure via Open Auction (No sealed bids). Properties sold to the highest bidder.
Publication Notices: “Notice of Sale” publications made in THE DERBY INFORMER and THE ARK VALLEY NEWS, the official County newspapers. Prior to the sale, access the case on the Sedgwick County website: www.sedgwickcounty.org/treasurer. The Sedgwick County Treasurer’s Office provides a free digital Map Book. It becomes available thirty days prior to sale.
Redemption Information: Owners, heirs and lien holders of record have the right to redeem properties through close of business the day prior to the sale date. The Exhibit A posted to the Treasurer’s Foreclosure Auction page is current with daily or as needed redemption updates. This service provides notice to perspective buyers when a property is no longer in the case.
Court Challenge: After the sale, owners or lien holders of record can challenge through District Court the sale of properties sold at a tax foreclosure auction. The county may defend the sale with appointed counsel. Buyers may engage their own attorney to represent him/her during such action. If the court should decide in favor of the plaintiff and set aside the sale of the property, the court will direct the county regarding the refund of the full purchase price including fees paid.
Auction Fees: According to K.S.A. 79-2804, the Sheriff is required to register the deeds for properties purchased at Tax Foreclosure auction prior to delivering them to the buyer. Therefore, collection of the $21 filing fee for registration of the deed(s) from the buyer of each parcel at the time of sale is due at checkout. A $15 vendor fee is due at the time of checkout for each parcel purchased as well.
Important Documents: At checkout, a receipt of purchase is available for download on the Civic Source website. Following “Confirmation of Sale” filed with Clerk of the District Court and recording Sheriff’s deed(s) with the Register of Deeds office, the Sheriff’s office sends the new deeds by mail to the new owner of record. This usually requires a waiting period of approximately 120 days after the date of sale. This waiting period allows all payments to clear and the settlement of any disputed sales (challenges) in court. The County desires to conclude the case in the most expeditious, legal manner possible.
Occupied Properties: If an auction buyer purchases property with an occupied building, the purchaser is responsible for handling this instance. The County is not responsible for evictions.