There are two ways to access Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability (IDD) Program services through the Waiting List Exception Process.
- When an individual is believed to be in crisis or imminent risk of crisis
- When an individual qualifies as an exception to the contract as outlined in KDADS Crisis and Exception Policy.
Crisis Access
Funding Committee will review individual requests for crisis access to HCBS-IDD Program services. The committee will determine if the request meets the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services Community Services & Programs Commission (KDADS) criteria for crisis:
- Individual requires protection from confirmed abuse, neglect, or exploitation, or written documentation of pending action for same; or
- Individual is at significant, imminent risk and is capable of performing serious harm to self or others.
An individual who is in crisis or imminent risk of crisis should contact their Targeted Case Manager (TCM). If an individual does not have a TCM, contact should be made with SCDDO Service Access department at 316-660-7630 for assistance.
General Information about Crisis Access
- Crisis situations are specific to the individual, not the family situation. For example, parents attending school will not be considered a crisis unless required by current employer. School time may include but is not limited to class time, study time, and practicums. Documentation may be requested by the committee.
- An individual given access to day and/or residential services through this process will be referred to a SCDDO Crisis Provider. These Crisis Providers maintain service capacity to meet immediate needs of individuals and are contracted to initiate services within seven (7) days from notification that they are selected through Options Counseling.
- Homelessness alone does not meet the Kansas criteria for crisis, health and safety must be at imminent risk.
- An individual must be able to become Medicaid eligible.
Priority Populations (Kids in Custody) To assist children eligible for IDD services that are in Kansas Department of Children & Families (DCF) custody with needs that cannot be met by foster parents and the foster care system. Note: Residential services paid for by the HCBS-IDD Program services are not available until the child is released from DCF custody.
- Children in DCF custody are a priority population commonly known as an exception to the State contract if they require access to new IDD program services for the purpose of addressing support needs related specifically to their IDD needs.
- This population is not required to meet KDADS definition of crisis however justification of need is necessary.
Other Priority Populations
Individuals that are preparing to discharge from a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) that were receiving HCBS-IDD Program funds prior to admission into the PRTF. This applies to individuals that have stayed at the PRTF for less than 90 days. If their stay was greater than 90 days, please see KDADS Institutional Transition policy for guidance on access to HCBS-IDD Program funds.
Procedures for Crisis Access and Priority Populations
- Targeted Case Manager (TCM) will submit the completed Waiting List Exception request packet.
- Each request should include the appropriate supporting documentation. (See Funding Committee General Information and Funding Committee Checklist for further details)
- A functional assessment within the last 365 days must be completed prior to submission of the request packet. If an assessment is needed, contact the Service Access Manager to schedule an assessment.
- Income/expense information should be listed for everyone residing in the home with the individual. This information will be used to determine the ability to access alternative resources for the service being requested
Waiver Transitions
To assist individuals with accessing IDD Program services if they meet HCBS-IDD program eligibility and are part of the following group:
- Individuals who have lost other funding due to the termination of Technology Assisted, Autism, or Traumatic Brain Injury program services, also considered Waiver Transitions.
Procedures for Waiver Transitions
- When the TCM learns that an individual/guardian is seeking HCBS-IDD Program services and that individual meets the criteria as outlined above; the TCM will notify SCDDO by sending an email to with the following information (as applicable to the individual seeking funding):
- Individual’s name
- Name of waiver which is ending
- Date the current waiver is ending
- Name of current service providers
- MCO care coordinator contact information
- SCDDO will engage with the TCM to ensure eligibility. SCDDO may request needed documents such as Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for children under age 7. If over age 7, SCDDO will review all temporary eligibility and make a determination for permanent eligibility.
- If the individual is determined eligible SCDDO Service Access and Operations assessor will complete the functional assessment as needed.
- SCDDO will notify KDADS of the outcome of the eligibility review and completion of the functional assessment.
- KDADS will process the transition and documentation will be sent to the assigned MCO and SCDDO.
Inclusion for HCBS services for Military Families
This exception provides individuals and/or immediate family members priority access to HCBS wavier programs, based on KDADS Military Inclusion Policy.
Funding Committee Decision
If the individual/guardian does not agree and would like to ask for a reconsideration or appeal please see Funding Committee General Information for details.