The Sedgwick County Fire Code requires that any person or business entity be in possession of a valid Sedgwick County Contractors License for Fire Sprinkler System prior to performing any installation, modification or alteration work thereof, and before providing fire inspection and testing services on any fire sprinkler system regulated by the 2024 International Fire Code and the most current edition of the National Fire Protection Agency Standard #13 pertaining to the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

The process to obtain a NEW Fire Sprinkler System Contractor License is to complete the Building and Construction Department’s application for a contractor’s business license.

The Application for a Contractor License and other required documents shall be mailed to the Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department (MABCD) at Ronald Reagan Building 271 W 3rd St. Wichita, Kansas 67202.

You will need to include the following additional documentation with your application as required by the MABCD:

  • Certificate of insurance, showing Sedgwick County as the certificate holder.
  • A completed copy of the Application for Contractors Business License form for a Class S-3 Fire Sprinkler Installer License.
  • Payment of licensing fee for the appropriate class of license (The S-3 license fee is $360.00 for a two-year period; first time applicants include an additional $50.00 first-time issuance fee). All fees should be made payable to MABCD.

Submit proof of insurance.

  • Worker's compensation insurance for all employees to be engaged in work on any site is regulated by the building code.
  • Comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount not less than $300,000 each occurrence and aggregate for bodily injury and property damage combined. Certificates of insurance submitted as required herein shall indicate that the Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department shall be given at least thirty (30) days advance written notice of any cancellation or material change in coverage of such insurance.
  • A copy of your NICT Level II certification, with verification of at least five years of related experience.